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the Presidents

Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne

Rodney Howard-Browne was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, and grew up in the Eastern Cape and Transkei. His wife, Adonica, was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and raised in Johannesburg. Rodney gave his heart to the Lord at the age of five and Adonica gave her heart to the Lord at the age of seventeen. They met and married in 1981 and immediately went full-time together into the traveling ministry. Over the next six years they traveled across Southern Africa, including Zimbabwe and Namibia, preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1983, they pioneered a church in the Northeastern Cape and pastored there for two years. After that, Rodney taught classes in a leading Bible School for another two years. 


During this time, they had three children: Kirsten, born in 1982, Kelly May, born in 1984, and Kenneth, born in 1987. Rodney and Adonica knew, even before they married, that they were both called to travel around the world to preach the gospel and they had a particularly strong calling toward the United States of America. In 1987 the door opened for them to go to America. Rodney visited America twice that year, preaching in several churches, and in December 1987 the whole family traveled to America to fulfill the call and plan and purpose of God and to move into the new phase of ministry that God had called them into. The Lord supernaturally provided for their air tickets and they came to America with only $300, four suitcases, and their three children, then aged five, three and seven months.


In December of 1996, Rodney and Adonica started The River at Tampa Bay Church in Tampa, FL, and the following year started the River Bible Institute.


Drs. Rodney and Adonica are the founders and Presidents of the River Bible Institute, the River School of Worship, the River Bible Institute Español, and the River School of Goverment.

the Dean & Principal

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Pastors Mark & Martha Cabrera

the Lead Instructor


  Rev. Brad Avery

Brad H. Avery, head instructor at RSG, has been in the realm of government and
politics for over 15 years. Mr. Avery has worked for both public agencies and the
private sector to include many governmental boards that have shaped public policy.
Mr. Avery has lobbied for and or chaired special interest groups that have focused
on legislation that affected policy from the local, state, and federal levels. Some of
the Boards he has or presently serves on: Foundation for Defense of Families,
Florida Faith and Family Coalition, Business Watch, Diversity Advisory Council,
National Waste and Recycling, All Pro Pastors, American Public Works, America
Restored, Florida League of Mayors, and Florida League of Cities.
Mr. Avery has been instructing at the River School of Government since it’s
inception in 2011 and has seen many students rise to meet the calling that God has
placed in their hearts. His passion is to see godly men and women enter into
positions that will have a profound effect in bringing biblical principles into
legislation and to shape public policy.
He has a MBA for Stratford University and proudly served in the United States



Pastor Allen Hawes


Pastor Jayson Williams


Rev. J.C. Hall & Dr. KrisAnne Hall J.D.

© Content Copyright River School of Government and Revival Ministries Int'l.

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